Upon receiving your score, follow this 3-step process

Understand Your Score
Where does your Member Loyalty Index score fall on the scale? A Member Loyalty Index score between 70-90 is considered healthy. A score in this range means your co-op is doing a good job engaging with members and building loyalty. Keep in mind that no matter what your score is, there is always room for improvement. Make it a goal now to beat your current score the next time around.

Compare Your Score
The benchmarks listed below are based on 70,000 survey responses collected by NRECA Market Research from nearly 60 co-ops in 18 states.
National Average
National Average By Methodology
50% phone/ 50% email
100% phone

Improve Your Score
Over the past few years we’ve continued to research member loyalty and deepen our understanding of what activities result in greater member loyalty at cooperatives. Below you will find a few key drivers of member loyalty. As you look through your survey results, if you have an opportunity to improve in any of these areas, that’s where you should focus. Putting resources behind these key drivers has the greatest likelihood of increasing your members’ loyalty to your cooperative.
- Offers a good value proposition
- Communicates in ways that resonate
- Communicates well when things go wrong
- Aligns customer service offerings with member expectations
- Invests in programs that improve the local community
- Provides member-focused energy management tools